No-Code Database Tool

Best No-Code Database Tools

A curated list of free, open source and paid no-code database tools, ranked based on relevancy and feature completeness as a no-code database tool

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A versatile, no-code platform that combines the functionality of spreadsheets and databases, allowing teams to organize, visualize, and manage data collaboratively.


Airtable is a powerful tool that lets users organize data with the ease of a spreadsheet while offering database functionality to support complex projects. Users can build and customize tables, link records, and use various views—like grids, calendars, and Kanban boards—to visualize data in ways that suit different workflows. Airtable’s drag-and-drop interface and extensive templates make it accessible for non-technical users, while integrations enable data synchronization with tools like Slack, Google Workspace, and Zapier.

Airtable is best used for
  1. Project Management: Track tasks, deadlines, and resources with flexible data views.
  2. Content Planning: Organize editorial calendars and manage content workflows.
  3. Inventory Management: Track and manage inventory with relational database features.

An open-source platform that empowers users to create, manage, and automate databases with a spreadsheet-like interface, offering flexibility and control without coding


Baserow provides a no-code solution for building databases with an intuitive, spreadsheet-style interface, allowing teams to manage data collaboratively and efficiently. Designed for organizations looking to self-host and control their data, Baserow supports relational linking, custom views, and real-time collaboration for a tailored data management experience.

Baserow is best used for
  1. Data Management: Organize and link data with ease using a collaborative database.
  2. Internal Tools: Build simple internal apps for team collaboration and data handling.
  3. Workflow Automation: Set up basic automation for streamlined operations across databases.

A flexible, no-code tool that transforms any database into a collaborative spreadsheet, enabling users to build applications, automate tasks, and manage data without coding


NocoDB is an open-source, no-code platform designed to turn databases into collaborative, spreadsheet-style interfaces. Users can connect to various data sources, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Airtable, to create an interactive and user-friendly interface for data management. NocoDB supports relational data linking, allowing users to organize and interact with data more intuitively without compromising on functionality.

NocoDB is best used for
  1. Database Management: Simplify database management with a spreadsheet-style interface.
  2. Internal Tools: Build basic internal applications without code for team collaboration.
  3. Automated Workflows: Automate processes and tasks across integrated databases.
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Muhammad Syakirurohman
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